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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1


The Press
December 18 2007

Delay for sex penalty

The high-profile Canterbury businessman found guilty on historical sex charges will not face sentencing until the new year.

Justice Panckhurst has accepted the grounds put forward by the man's counsel, Jonathan Eaton, for the sentencing to be postponed from December 19. These were not detailed in a minute issued yesterday.

However, a hearing will still be held tomorrow, with Eaton to argue for permanent name suppression.

Fairfax Media, representing The Press, has asked for leave to appear at that hearing to argue against suppression.

However, the judge said in his minute: "I am not persuaded that Fairfax should be accorded standing at the hearing. Mr (Philip) Shamy will represent the Crown's interests, and will be in a position to make submissions in relation to any broader interests which may arise."

The businessman was found guilty by a jury on one charge of sodomy, one of rape, three of indecent assault and two of inducing an indecent act. The charges arose from sexual abuse said to have occurred between 30 and 40 years ago.

Eaton said when the verdicts were announced that he had letters from lawyers for three other family members who believed publication of the man's name would damage their businesses.

One of the family members was in delicate business negotiations. They would all want to be heard by the judge.