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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1


The Press
December 19 2007

'Prominent' man convicted of rape named


REVEALED: Peter Stewart was found guilty of one charge of sodomy, one of rape, three of indecent assault and two of inducing an indecent act.

A prominent Canterbury businessman convicted of rape can now be named as Peter Maxwell Stewart, 62, of Hororata.

Name supression was lifted this morning.

Earlier this month a jury in the High Court at Christchurch found Stewart guilty of one charge of sodomy, one of rape, three of indecent assault and two of inducing an indecent act.

The charges arose from sexual abuse said to have occurred between 30 and 40 years ago.

Stewart was to be sentenced today but that has been delayed to February 12, mainly because a pre-sentence report has not yet been completed,

Justice Graham Panckhurst was set to consider a bid for continued name suppression when Stewart's counsel, Jonathan Eaton, said it seemed Stewart's name as the "prominent Canterbury businessman'' was so widely known in Christchurch that suppression was no longer sought.

Reasons advanced earlier that lifting suppression would affect the business interests of other family members had been addressed in recent days.

"I have clear instructions not to seek a final order for suppression of name and invite Your Honour to lift the order,'' he said.

Stewart is a member of a well-known Canterbury family with business interests as a farmer, company director, and charter boat operator.

During the trial the jury heard that Stewart manipulated the complainant to masturbate him and perform other indecencies on him in the late 1960s when she was under 12.

The Crown said the complainant had been in love with the dashing young man who drove fast cars and who was kind to her, and he had exploited that to turn her into the "perfect victim".

The jury found Stewart sodomised the complainant behind Christchurch International Airport when she was aged between 10 and 13 and raped her in 1974 on his marital bed, where she lay with an inflatable splint after breaking her ankle in a skiing mishap.

Stewart admitted one act of sexual intercourse with the complainant that he said occurred on his boat when she was 17. Wearing a white bikini, she had come on to him and "it just happened", he said.

The defence argued the complainant had always been envious of the accused's wife and had repackaged her childhood sexual fantasies into sexual attacks to pressure the accused to bail her out of financial trouble.

That had backfired when negotiations ended and she was locked into the fabrications.

Stewart's care and kindness had been repaid with allegations "fuelled by envy and motivated by money", the defence said.