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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 1



Three News
December 19 2007; 09:48

'Prominent businessman' sex offender named


Peter Maxwell Stewart

Name suppression was lifted today on Peter Maxwell Stewart, the prominent Canterbury businessman convicted on seven charges of historic child sexual abuse at a High Court trial two weeks ago.

Stewart, 61, was to be sentenced today but that has been delayed to February 12, mainly because a pre-sentence report has not yet been completed, Court News website reported.

Justice Graham Panckhurst was set to consider a bid for continued name suppression when Stewart's counsel, Jonathan Eaton, said it seemed Stewart's name as the "prominent Canterbury businessman" was so widely known in Christchurch that suppression was no longer sought.

Reasons advanced earlier that lifting suppression would affect the business interests of other family members had been addressed in recent days.

"I have clear instructions not to seek a final order for suppression of name and invite Your Honour to lift the order," he said.

Stewart is a member of a well-known Canterbury family with business interests as a farmer, company director, and charter boat operator.

At the two-week trial, the jury found the man guilty on two charges of inducing a girl under 12 to do an indecent act, three counts of indecent assault, one of sodomy, and one of rape. The offences dated back more than 30 years.