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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2


One News
December 20 2007; 10:47

Decision to name Stewart applauded

Rape Crisis hopes a clear message has been sent following a high profile sex abuse trial in Christchurch, in which a prominent businessman was named.

The High Court in Christchurch lifted a suppression order on Wednesday and the man at the centre of the trial was identified as 62-year-old Peter Stewart, the son of the late Sir Robertson Stewart of PDL Industries who died earlier this year.

He is also the husband of New Zealand Fashion Week managing director Pieter Stewart.

Stewart was found guilty two weeks ago on seven historic child abuse charges, including one for rape, after committing indecencies against his victim from the time she was eight to 15 years old, including sodomy and rape.

His lawyer had planned to seek permanent name suppression but abandoned that at the hearing.

National Collective of Rape Crisis spokeswoman, Andrea Black says to identify the man is mostly good news.

She says it will send a clear message that rape and other sexual crimes are not acceptable,

Black says there is also no doubt it will take a huge toll on his family. She says on average every rape complaint affects 12 other people, including family members.

Stewart will be sentenced on February 12.