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This page last updated December 2 2008

November 29 2008; Stewart family hire detective
A prominent Christchurch private detective is continuing to work for the Stewart family, which is determined to clear family member Peter Stewart. Former detective inspector David Haslett had been hired to collect information to upset the convictions, the family said

A supporter of the complainant said the investigation was part of a campaign to portray Stewart's conviction as wrongful.  “The case is finished, done and dusted and the guilty party is where he should be. What is Stewart's private detective meant to do? The Stewart groupies should really just accept the facts, the truth, and put it all behind them," he said

2008-1129 - The Press - Detective kept on by Stewart family

2008-1129 - Dominion Post - Stewarts fight on

2008-1202 - The Press - Private investigation

October 22 Court of Appeal turns down bid to overturn convictions
The appeal court judges said they had examined the summing-up with care. "We consider that given the total context of the summing up, with its directions as to onus and standard of proof, the error would not have misled the jury.

"Nor do we consider that, taken as a whole, there is any imbalance in the directions, which made clear to the jury both their legal obligations and, as we have noted, the nature of the defence.”

Stewart's brother, Mark Stewart, said the family remained convinced of his innocence and would explore all options to fight the convictions

The victim says she would have settled for an apology had he offered one. She said her emotional pain had lessened with the court decision. ''I just feel sorry for him, to be honest. It really is a shame that he has not been honest with himself and to his family. The saga has shattered the victim's family - some of her siblings no longer talk to her, her marriage collapsed, and her children had also been affected. Through it all, her children and her mother had stood by her.

2008-1022 - The Press - Peter Stewart's appeal turned down

2008-1022 - Stuff - Man loses bid to quash sex abuse charges

2008-1022 - Radio NZ - Stewart loses appeal over rape conviction

2008-1023 - The Press - Stewart family keeps faith

2008-1023 - NZ Herald - Sex conviction to stand

2008-1023 - Three News - Appeal lost but family still supports Stewart

2008-1026 - NZ Herald - 'I wanted apology'

July 25 - NBR reflects on the Stewart family year
Business success, with the death of Sir Robertson Stewart, and then conviction for Peter

2008-0725 - National Business Review - The Rich List: Stewart family

July 23 2008 - Appeal Court Hearing
The lawyer for Peter Stewart, Paul Davison QC told the Appeal Court that Peter Stewart did not receive a fair trial and is the victim of a miscarriage of justice. He said the trial judge had wrongly allowed prejudicial evidence against his client and that his summing up for the jury was unbalanced.

Davison challenged the admissibility of evidence and said the judge, Justice Graham Panckhurst, had misdirected the jury on how it should consider the evidence of witnesses who said that they, too, had been indecently touched and propositioned by Stewart which was taken as evidence of Stewart's propensity to offend against young girls.

Davison said the judge erroneously admitted evidence and misdirected the jury on how it should treat the evidence of witnesses who reported what the victim had told them

Crown lawyer Annabel Markham said Stewart's trial lawyer, Jonathan Eaton, had been able to mount a robust defence and did not raise objections to the judge's alleged errors at the time of the trial.

Justice David Baragwanath, who chaired the three-member Court of Appeal panel yesterday, reserved the court's decision

2008-0723 - Dominion Post - Convicted rapist's trial unfair - lawyer

2008-0723 - The Press - Stewart trial unfair, says lawyer

Mar 6 2008 - Peter Stewart appeals conviction
Peter Stewart’s family released a brief statement today saying the appeal was lodged in the Court of Appeal by lawyer Paul Davison QC, who has been engaged to lead the case with Jonathan Eaton. The family emphasised that they were "united and resolute'' in their belief that Stewart was innocent.

2008-0306 - The Press - Peter Stewart appeals conviction

2008-0306 - Radio NZ - Stewart to appeal against rape conviction

2008-0306 - NZ Herald - Stewart to appeal sex abuse conviction

2008-0306 - Newstalk ZB - Rapist will appeal

2008-0307 - The Press - Stewart appeals

Regardless of whether Peter Stewart is innocent or not, an appeal is almost definitely doomed to failure. New Zealand law allows a person to be convicted of a serious sexual crime solely on the allegation of a complainant.

If a conviction can be made without any corroborating evidence, as in this case, there is no evidence that can be disputed. The opinion of the jury was sufficient to convict, and there is no allowance for revisiting those opinions.

The law is repugnant, as it cares less about the possibility that an innocent man may be convicted, than it does about the possibility that a complainant may actually be a fantasist, a liar and a blackmailer.


Feb 17 2008 - NZ Herald talks to woman “who shattered Stewart fairy tale”
Carolyne Meng-Yee talks to the complainant - a “saddened but stoic victim”. The 48 year old woman 
had moved happily amid the world of the Stewart family's multi-million-dollar fortune. She says she might never have pursued Stewart through the courts if he had not contacted her at her work four years ago. She says it had been the “most difficult thing in her life to come forward because it had destroyed her family.”

Stewart had maintained his innocence throughout the trial and to this day. His defence alleged his victim was a fantasist, a liar and blackmailer

2008-0217 - NZ Herald - The woman who shattered the Stewart fairy tale

Feb 13 2008 - How will Peter Stewart do in prison?
Take your pick: The NZ Herald quotes Greg Newbold who suggests he “will be all right”. The Press quotes an inmate who say he “will do it hard”

The National Business Review speculates that Stewart will not appeal.

2008-0213 - NZ Herald - Rich rapist 'will be all right' in prison

2008-0213 - The Press - Inmate: mindless jail will take toll on Peter Stewart

2008-0215 - NBR - Stewart appeal doubted

Feb 12 2008 - Peter Stewart sentenced
Justice Graham Panckhurst sentenced Stewart to three and a half years. The offending took place in the years 1968 to 1974, when the victim was initially aged 8 and Stewart was aged 22.  He said the indecency offences had happened first, involving touching, masturbation, and one of oral contact. The sodomy on the girl had been “thankfully a single and isolated incident” when she was aged about 13, and had caused bleeding. The rape took place when she had broken her ankle in a ski accident and Stewart was driving her for medical attention. She had endured the act so that the journey could continue.

Lawyer Jonathan Eaton and Peter Stewart

A statement from the victim's family
read: "Over the past 3 years this horrible situation has devastated, disintegrated and destroyed families and extended families. It has stretched or ruined long-term friendships This is minor (when compared) to the fact that the victim has lived with her own hell for most of her life.” The conviction of Stewart brought some closure for the victim and those close to her.

Stewart's lawyer Jonathan Eaton said Stewart was grateful for the continued support of family and friends "which continues today". “He steadfastly maintains his innocence. An appeal will be filed.”.

A statement from the Stewart family read: “The Stewart family wishes to make public their united and absolute support for Peter Stewart. The family, including Peter’s wife Pieter and their children, fully believe in his innocence and are committed to fighting for that outcome. Preparations for an appeal are already underway.

2008-0210 - Sunday Star Times - Stewart sentence

2008-0212 - Newstalk ZB - Businessman sentenced today

2008-0212 - Newstalk ZB - Businessman jailed for child sex offences

2008-0212 - Three News - Christchurch socialite sentenced for rape and sodomy of child

2008-0212 - Three News - Canterbury businessman jailed for 3.5 years for sex abuse

2008-0212 - The Press - Peter Stewart jailed for sex offences

2008-0212 - Court News - Peter Maxwell Stewart signals appeal

2008-0212 - Scoop - Stewart family united in support for Peter

2008-0212 - Radio NZ - Prison sentence for sex abuse 30 years ago

2008-0212 - Radio NZ - Lawyer for Stewart says his client will appeal

2008-0212 - One News - Stewart jailed for sex offences

2008-0212 - One News - Jail for historic sex offences

2008-0212 - NZ Herald - Stewart to appeal sex abuse convictions

2008-0212 - NZ Herald - Social high-flyer jailed over sex abuse

2008-0212 - Newstalk ZB - Sex offender's victim "lived private hell"

2008-0212 - Nelson Mail - Stewart jailed

2008-0213 - Otago Daily Times - Stewart sentenced after lengthy trial

2008-0213 - Dominion Post - Businessman jailed for sex abuse

Jan 5 - Feb 12 - Reports about the Stewart family
News reports about the Stewart family, Peter’s wife Pieter, their businesses, and their reactions to the allegations

2008-0105 - The Press - Sex offender's yacht still for hire

2008-0212 - The Press - The Stewart Dynasty

2008-0212 - The Press - Who is Peter Stewart?

2008-0212 - The Press - Wife Pieter prominent half of power couple

  Pieter and Peter Stewart

Dec 22 2007 - Further commentary
The NZ Herald summarises Peter Stewart’s defence: His victim was a fantasist, a liar and a blackmailer. Stewart has maintained his innocence, admitting only to consensual sex with the victim once, when she was 17. The complainant, made allegations of abuse 27 year later. After negotiation between lawyers for his victim and his own family, Stewart's stepmother, Lady Adrienne Stewart, offered the victim a home in a top Christchurch suburb. But the offer was turned down and instead the allegations went to court

The family of the victim refer to the considerable support for Peter Stewart as “rent-a-crowd”. One family member is unhappy at media quoting Stewart supporters

2007-1222 - NZ Herald - Sex abuser had a life to envy - until now

2007-1223 - Sunday Star Times - Rape victim's family wants both sides heard

Dec 20 2007 - Public Concerns
Concern for men:From reading the papers and watching TV programmes about the welter of current and historical rape allegations, it would seem the only man currently above suspicion is the one on the horse at Wellington's Cenotaph.”

Concern for victim: “How heart-warming to know that Peter Stewart's family are standing by him. Let's hope his victim has as many staunch friends.”  Another writer says Stewart’s supporters “must face reality of his crime”

Concern for Stewart family: (Referring to reports about the Stewart family) “Stewart's family aren't responsible for his crime, so why the venomous attack on his family?”

2007-1220 - Dominion Post - To the point

2007-1221 - The Press - What about victim?

2007-1221 - The Press - Stewart's supporters must face reality of his crime

2007-1221 - The Press - Don’t attack family

Dec 20 2007 - Rape Crisis applauds decision to name Stewart
National Collective of Rape Crisis spokeswoman, Andrea Black says to identify the man is mostly good news. She says it will send a clear message that rape and other sexual crimes are not acceptable

2007-1220 - One News - Decision to name Stewart applauded

Dec 20 2007 - Strong family support for Peter Stewart
Although the Stewart family was not making an official comment yesterday, a close friend of the family said that family and friends of Peter and Pieter Stewart would "stick by them through thick and thin". "He is a kind, very thoughtful man. It's just insane."

2007-1220 - Waikato Times - Family back magnate facing jail

2007-1220 - NZ Herald - Abuse case millionaire revealed

2007-1220 - Otago Daily Times - Wife sticking by child sex offender

2007-1220 - The Press - Fashion guru takes stand for husband

2007-1220 - The Press - Naming usual after conviction

2007-1220 - The Press - Wealthy Stewart family staunch


Mark Stewart, Brother and family spokesperson:

·                The family isn’t commenting because the matter is still before the courts

·                We support our brother, there’s a lot of family here, but it’s fair to say we support him