Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2


The Press
December 21 2007

Stewart's supporters must face reality of his crime
Letter to the Editor
by Carol Martin, Waltham

It's not surprising New Zealand has high child-abuse statistics if the attitude of Peter Stewart's family and friends reflects the mentality of mainstream New Zealand (Dec 20).

A close friend says Peter "wasn't that sort of guy". Well, he is that sort of guy -- a child abuser who used his privileged position of wealth and power to sexually abuse a child over a number of years.

He fits the profile of similar so- called pillars of society -- ministers, priests, doctors, politicians -- who have been convicted of similar atrocities against children.

Stewart's supporters seem so blinded by his wealth and power that I fear for any child in their families who tries to disclose sexual abuse; they are likely to be disbelieved and sacrificed because the picture offends their parents' sensibility.

Convicted child-sex abusers should receive a mandatory death sentence. Children are precious treasures, not sexual playthings.