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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2



Newstalk ZB
February 12 2008; 11:44

Sex offender's victim "lived private hell"

The victim of child sex offender Peter Stewart has lived "her own private hell" for most of her life.

Her family has released a statement following his sentencing at the High Court in Christchurch, to three and a half years jail. He was found guilty of one charge of sodomy, one of rape, two of inducing a girl under 12 to do an indecent act and three of indecent assault. The charges date back some 30 to 40 years.

The family of the victim says the sentence has brought some closure. It says the horrible situation has devastated, disintegrated and destroyed families, extended families and friendships. However the family says that is minor, compared to the fact the victim has lived her own private hell.

In sentencing, Justice Pankhurst took into account Stewart's contribution to society and good character over a period of years. It led to an 18 month discount from a potential five year term.

Stewart maintains his innocence and plans to appeal both the convictions and the sentence.

Stewart is the son of the late plastics innovator Sir Robertson Stewart. He is also the husband of Fashion Week director Pieter Stewart, who says the family fully believes in his innocence and is committed to fighting for that outcome.