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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2


One News
February 12 2008; 11:37

Jail for historic sex offences


A high profile Christchurch businessman is vowing to appeal his convictions for child sex abuse.

Peter Stewart has been jailed for three and a half years on seven charges dating back 40 years.

Stewart, 62, allowed his name suppression to lapse when he was found guilty last December of the historical sex offences. He was found guilty of one charge of sodomy, one of rape, two of inducing a girl under 12 to do an indecent act and three of indecent assault.

The son of Sir Robertson Stewart, the founder of the PDL electronics company who died last August, was found guilty of assaulting his victim over a number of years when she was aged between eight and 14.

His lawyer says Stewart will appeal.

"He steadfastly maintains his innocence. An appeal will be filed against the convictions and those circumstances," Jonathon Eaton says.

The convicted child sex abuser is the husband of Pieter Stewart, the managing director of New Zealand Fashion Week. She and other family members said in a written statement that they still believe in his innocence.

Stewart's victim used an umbrella to protect her anonymity as she left the court. In a written statement her family says: "This horrible situation has devastated, disintegrated and destroyed families, extended families and friendships...but this is minor compared to the fact that the victim has lived with her own private hell for most of her life."

The family says the case has brought some closure.

During sentencing Justice Graham Pankhurst told the court payment of reparation was neither sought by the complainant nor offered by Peter Stewart.