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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2


The Press
February 12 2008

The Stewart Dynasty


Sir Robertson Stewart

An electrician by trade, the determined and astute plastics pioneer built PDL Industries into a major export company with a yearly turnover of $350 million. In its heyday the company employed nearly 2000 staff worldwide. He was knighted in 1979 and the company was sold to French multinational Schneider Electric in 2001, the Stewart family netting about $97m. He died in August aged 93. A significant benefactor of the arts, the restoration of Christ Church Cathedral (of which he was a canon almoner) and many other causes.

First wife: Gladys Second wife: Adrienne

Adrienne, Lady Stewart

A major figure in the arts in Christchurch, the energetic and forthright doyenne was Sir Robertson's secretary since 1959 and took an active role in running PDL Industries. Lady Stewart was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2006 New Year's Honours.

Son Mark Stewart

He became chief executive of PDL Industries in 1998 and now runs the family's aggressive investment firm, Masthead Portfolios. Recently involved in a takeover attempt of Auckland healthcare provider Abano.

Son Peter

Successful deer farmer and former motor racing stalwart. In recent years has owned and skippered the super yacht Pacific Eagle, based in Picton, which he described as "Huka Lodge of water". The yacht is available for local and overseas charters.

Peter Stewart's wife Pieter Stewart

Accomplished businesswoman who set up, owns and organises New Zealand Fashion Week, a forum for New Zealand fashion designers releasing collections for local and international buyers.

Son Robert Stewart

Chairman of electrical goods manufacturer Skope Industries, which he transformed over 35 years from a small manufacturer of electric heaters and metal appliances to a significant business employing more than 400 people, with offices in New Zealand and Australia. His son, Guy, is now the managing director.

Robert Stewart's wife Barbara Stewart

Former leader of the second-biggest faction on the Christchurch City Council - the Right- leaning Independent Citizens - but stood down when the number of councillors was halved before the 2004 election. She was one of the judges of the new art gallery's design and remains active in local politics and on art projects.