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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2



The National Business Review
February 15 2008

Stewart appeal doubted
by Chris Hutching

High-profile Christchurch businessman Peter Stewart, 62, may have vowed to appeal his three-and-a-half year sentence for historic sex abuse charges but some people close to the action doubt he will.

He is the eldest son of the late Sir Robertson Stewart of PDL fame. He is the older brother of Robert Stewart, who owns Skope Industries, and half-brother of Mark Stewart, who manages the Masthead investment company.

At the conclusion of Mr Stewart's sentencing on Tuesday morning, reporters outside the court were handed a media statement from a family member of the complainant saying the sentence provided closure. The statement was signed by a prominent member of the local business community and invited journalists to telephone him if they had further queries.

He cannot be identified because of his relationship with the victim.

When contacted, the businessman suggested Mr Stewart would be unlikely to appeal his sentence because of the possibility that the sentence could also be increased. (The lawyer acting for Mr Stewart was congratulated as he took the lift to the ground floor of the courthouse with the comment that Mr Stewart "should be out in 14 months.")

The unnamed businessman said the sentencing had ended "a horrific time".

"You wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy if you knew the effect it has had on the families involved - It's time for a bit of healing now," he said.

Meanwhile, the Stewart family has reiterated their support for Peter.

"The family, including Peter's wife Pieter and their children, fully believe in his innocence and are committed to fighting for that outcome. Preparations for an appeal are already under way," a prepared statement said.