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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2



The Press
October 22 2008

Peter Stewart's appeal turned down
by Martin van Beynen

Appeal lost: Peter Stewart has lost his appeal against convictions for indecencies, rape and sodomy.


Millionaire convicted rapist Peter Stewart has had his appeal against conviction turned down.

Stewart was jailed this year for three-and-a-half years on five charges of indecency with a girl under 12, one count of sodomy and one of rape. His trial was held in December last year.

Stewart's lawyer, Paul Davison, QC, told the Appeal Court in Wellington in July that trial judge Justice Graham Panckhurst had wrongly directed the jury and made errors in his summing up.

The Court of Appeal ruled that such errors as had been shown were not material and had not caused a miscarriage of justice.

Stewart, 62, the son of electrical goods tycoon Sir Robertson Stewart, was sentenced earlier this year.

The offences took place between 1967 and 1978 and started when his victim was aged eight and Stewart was 22.