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Peter Stewart - News Reports - Page 2


The Press
December 2 2008

Private Investigation
Stewart 'must accept guilt' in rape case

Supporters of the complainant in the Peter Stewart case have called for Stewart to accept he is guilty.

The Stewart family has hired private detective Dave Haslett, a former detective inspector in the New Zealand Police, to continue investigating in an attempt to upset the guilty verdicts against Stewart.

A supporter of the complainant said the investigation was part of a campaign to portray Stewart's conviction as wrongful.

"The case is finished, done and dusted and the guilty party is where he should be. What is Stewart's private detective meant to do? The Stewart groupies should really just accept the facts, the truth, and put it all behind them," he said.

It was absurd to continue to claim the convictions were due to a plot by the complainant, he said. "The last thing anyone would wish for is the heartbreak and torment such a situation produces," he said.

"The judicial system has worked. His criminal antics of so long ago have totally disintegrated a family and many friendships. He has a huge amount to answer to. Normal people who have any conscience would do their best to set the peace. Stewart doesn't have the decency nor guts to do the right thing. He sits in prison feeling sorry for himself when he has been responsible for all that has happened, but won't even accept the responsibility for his own actions."

Stewart, 62, the son of Christchurch plastics magnate Sir Robertson Stewart and husband of New Zealand Fashion Week owner Pieter Stewart, was jailed in February for 3 1/2 years. He is serving his sentence in Rolleston Prison.

Last December, he was convicted on five charges of indecency with a girl, and one count of sodomy and one of rape. The offences occurred about 40 years ago.