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Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape
Not Guilty
”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer

Sunday Star Times
August 13 2006

Police broke promise - league star's lawyer

The lawyer for a former rugby league star charged with sexually violating and raping a woman is furious police refused to back his bid for his client's name to remain secret.

It is the latest in a string of cases where sporting celebrities have been given secrecy by the courts.

Gary Gotlieb, also the president of the Auckland District Law Society, railed against police when his client first appeared in the Auckland District Court on Tuesday.

The Sunday Star-Times, which broke the story last week, was the only media in court for the former star's first appearance.

Gotlieb reacted angrily when Crown prosecutor Deb Bell said name suppression was opposed, turning to two detectives in the public gallery and accusing them of going back on an earlier promise not to oppose suppression.

"I'm just blown away. Police give you an undertaking ... it's certainly the last time I'm going to co-operate with the police," he said.

Gotlieb said his client was a well known personality, the story would go international and it was not fair for family to find out through the media.

Gotlieb also said bail conditions sought by the Crown, including a curfew and strict reporting clauses, were a "nonsense". His client had not appeared before the courts before.

Judge Simon Lockhart granted temporary name suppression for 48 hours and said a lot of people could be contacted during that time.

As a condition of bail, he ordered the accused to stay away from the Whiskey Bar in Ponsonby Rd, Auckland. On Thursday, suppression was continued until Tuesday when a half-day hearing will decide if his name will remain secret.