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Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape
Not Guilty
”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer

Radio NZ
January 30 2008; 19:57

Ropati jury suspends deliberations

The jury in the case of a former New Zealand rugby league international player accused of rape has retired for the day.

Tea Ropati, 41, has denied six charges of sexually violating a woman in June 2006.

Earlier, Judge Phil Gittos advised the jurors to put out of their minds the fact that Mr Ropati is a league star and put aside any notion of morals.

The former Warriors and Kiwis international says he engaged in consensual sexual activity with the 36-year-old complainant.

The woman says she was too drunk to consent to sex, and an honourable man would have recognised this.

Mr Ropati's defence lawyer Gary Gotlieb says his client's character and reputation has been sullied beyond belief, and the only thing he has done wrong is cheat on his wife.

The jury began its deliberations on Wednesday afternoon and will resume on Thursday.