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Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape - Not Guilty - …..”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer

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This page last updated July 11 2008





31 January 2008 - Tea Ropati issues statement following Not Guilty verdict

……..”I would like to thank everyone for their support and belief in me. I deeply regret that my actions caused so much pain to all those who love me- my wife Vanessa, my children, my mum and dad, brothers and sister. Thank you to all of them for standing by me. My wife has been extraordinary and amazing through a gruelling process. I could never have coped alone. I have never doubted that I would be found innocent of all the charges. I have been honest and up front at all times with everyone concerned beginning with the police on the day I learned of the allegations made against me………..”

2008-0131 - 16:04 - NZ Herald - Tea Ropati's statement

31 January 2008 - Emotions high as verdicts delivered

The verdicts, given one after the other, were greeted initially with silence, although Mrs Ropati broke out in a smile of relief after the first few of the not guilty announcements.

But immediately after the final verdict, there was pandemonium as Ropati's supporters erupted with a loud shout of "yes", and loud cheers, and some in the gallery sobbed

Peter Ropati, Tea's brother, was removed from the court as he refused to stop yelling. He shouted angrily that the case had been a "waste of money" and that it "should never have come to this." "It's been a pile of poop from the outset," yelled Peter. "Absolute poop. Absolute rubbish, the coppers here, the whole system!"

Other members of Ropati's family called out "justice has been served"

Tea Ropati emerged from court flanked by his wife and another brother, John, who has been one of his defence lawyers throughout the trial. “I just want to thank my family and friends,” Ropati said. “Without them I wouldn’t have been able to cope throughout all of this. Just pretty relieved it’s all over.” Ropati then left it to his lawyer to read a statement.

2008-0131 - 15:25 - Three News - Ropati found not guilty of rape

2008-0131 - 16:23 - Stuff - Ropati not guilty of sex charges

2008-0131 - 18:07 - Three News - Ropati relieved at not guilty verdict

2008-0131 - 18:16 - One News - Emotions erupt as Ropati cleared

2008-0131 - 18:17 - NZ Herald - Case 'absolute rubbish' say supporters, as Ropati freed

1.  Tea Ropati leaves court with his wife Vanessa and five month daughter
2.  Brothers Peter, Tea and Romi Ropati

3.  (Foreground) Tea Ropati’s brother and his Junior Defence Council, John

31 January 2008 - NOT GUILTY of all charges

Tea Ropati has been found not guilty of six charges of sexual violation

2008-0131 - 13:57 - Newstalk ZB - Ropati cleared of sexual violation

2008-0131 - 15:32 - Radio NZ - Not Guilty Verdict

2008-0131 - 15:50 - NZ Herald - Ropati not guilty on all charges

2008-0131 - 16:01 - One News - Ropati found not guilty on sex charges

2008-0131 - 17:15 - Radio NZ - Former league player cleared of sex charges

31 January 2008; Jury deliberation continue

The jury asked two questions. The first question the jury of seven men and five women asked was an explanation of law related to charges of attempting to commit an offence, the second question relating to what procedure they should adopt when considering each of the charges

The jury returned to the court to review security camera footage from the back room of the Whiskey Bar

A big group of Ropati's friends and family waited outside court for the jury to return

2008-0131 - 05:00 - NZ Herald - Jury continues debate today on Ropati

2008-0131 - 06:32 - One News - Verdict expected in Ropati trial

2008-0131 - 06:33 - Radio NZ - Jury resumes deliberations

2008-0131 - 12:51 - Radio NZ - Jury returns to view security footage again

30 January 2008 - Jury retire for night

The jury began its deliberations on Wednesday afternoon at 1pm and adjourned at 6pm. It will resume on Thursday

2008-0130 - Radio NZ - Ropati jury suspends deliberations

29-30 January 2008 - Case summing up; jury deliberation begins

The former rugby league international Ropati has denied the charges. He says they did not have sex and that any other activity was consensual sexual activity with the 36-year-old complainant. Mr Ropati's defence lawyer Gary Gotlieb says his client's character and reputation has been sullied beyond belief, and the only thing he has done wrong is cheat on his wife.

Mr Gotlieb said the six charges were the most difficult charges to defend given the complainant can't remember the alleged offending. He said the woman is an in your face person who knows what she wants, claiming ACC after the incident.

Gotlieb reminded the jury that it was the Crown who described her as a feisty person. “She's a big girl and she's embarrassed about what happened." Gotlieb also asked the jury to consider how Ropati would have known that the complainant was in the state of intoxication that the Crown had argued she was. He pointed to the testimony of one of her friends that she was "stringing her sentences perfectly okay" and to the fact that the bar person was happy to continue serving her.

The portion of the video from the back room of the bar that showed the woman apparently sleeping, or resting, was only one minute 47 seconds long. "And there was no audio so we don't know what's being said." Mr Gotleib said the woman was actually talking a lot during the scenes the jury watched.

The woman says she was too drunk to consent to sex, and an honourable man would have recognised this. She says she woke to find herself in a car feeling pain from injuries to her genitals. Crown Prosecutor Philip Hamlin said injuries to her genital area showed blunt force trauma not consistent with consensual sex.

Mr Hamlin says lack of consent is central to the case. He has told the court the complainant was so drunk on the night of the alleged offending, her ability to refuse sex was impaired. Hamlin says it is all very well for the defence to call character witnesses, but most of them were not present on the night in question.

Judge Phil Gittos
advised the jurors to put out of their minds the fact that Mr Ropati is a league star. He also said some of the evidence may have sounded disturbing but urged the jury to put aside any moral judgement. Judge Gittos said they needed to determine what witnesses had told them the truth and which ones had lied to them

2008-0129 - 19:32 - One News - Ropati trial nearing an end

2008-0130 - 05:00 - NZ Herald - Jury told not to blame woman in Ropati case

2008-0130 - 05:16 - Newstalk ZB - Ropati's lawyers deliver closing speeches today

2008-0130 - 07:36 - Radio NZ - Jury consideration due to begin in Ropati case

2008-0130 - 08:00 - Stuff - Ropati sex case to go to jury

2008-0130 - 08:35 - Three News - Jury to consider verdicts in Ropati rape case

2008-0130 - 10:01 - One News - Ropati's lawyers to deliver closing

2008-0130 - 13:39 - NZ Herald - Jurors retire to consider verdict in Ropati sex trial

2008-0130 - 13:52 - Newstalk ZB - Jury retires in Ropati trial

2008-0130 - 13:54 - Radio NZ - Jury debate begins in Ropati case

2008-0130 - 14:08 - Three News - Jury retires to consider Ropati verdicts

2008-0130 - 15:50 - One News - Ropati jury ponders verdicts

2008-0130 - 18:39 - NZ Herald - Jury to resume deliberations tomorrow in Ropati case

2008-0130 - 19:57 - Radio NZ - Ropati jury suspends deliberations

2008-0130 - 20:00 - Stuff - Jury retire for the night in Ropati rape trial

2008-0130 - 20:14 - One News - Ropati jury home for night

2008-0131 - 05:00 - NZ Herald - Jury continues debate today on Ropati

2008-0131 - 05:00 - Otago Daily Times - Jury taking time with Ropati case

29 January 2008 - “Mad Butcher” Peter Leitch character witness for Ropati

Mad Butcher Peter Leitch says he has known Ropati for more than 20 years. He compared him to Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt, as always having a smile on his face. Mr Leitch says he has observed the accused at many social situations and has always seen him as a gentleman. He says Ropati is respectful to everyone, including women

2008-0129 - Newstalk ZB - Mad Butcher says Ropati is a gentleman

2008-0129 - NZ Herald - Mad Butcher appears as character witness for Ropati

2008-0129 - Radio NZ - Character witnesses in defence of rape accused Tea Ropati