Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Page 3 - Not Guilty Verdict

Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape
Not Guilty
”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer


NZ Herald
January 31 2008; 16:04

Tea Ropati's statement

Statement - Tea Ropati


The last 18 months has been an extraordinarily difficult time for my family and friends. I would like to thank everyone for their support and belief in me.

I deeply regret that my actions caused so much pain to all those who love me- my wife Vanessa, my children, my mum and dad, brothers and sister. Thank you to all of them for standing by me.

My wife has been extraordinary and amazing through a gruelling process. I could never have coped alone.

I have never doubted that I would be found innocent of all the charges. I have been honest and up front at all times with everyone concerned beginning with the police on the day I learned of the allegations made against me.

I know that I have ongoing issues to address to do with alcohol. On New Years Day I was also charged with driving my vehicle under the influence and will return to court this Friday.

I acknowledge that many of my actions have disappointed and let down many different organizations with whom I work closely. I thank them for their continued support and belief in me.

I have also worked with many young people and their families over the last ten years. This is work I really love.

I deeply regret any embarrassment and again disappointment I may have caused those who respected my advice and judgement. I failed them and I want to renew my commitment to making a difference to the community wherever and wherever I can.

I have five young children and I am uncertain as to what the future holds.

My wife and I ask that you respect our wishes for privacy and time to take a breather and regroup.

Again thank you to all those who really know me and stood by me