Allegations of Abuse in NZ

Tim Ogle: Home   "A trial that should never have happened"

Page 1 - 2004/2005 (Pretrial)


The Northland Age
February 10 2004

Home again - with mixed emotions

Judith Garrett has worked hard at restoring some balance to her life since she was allegedly raped by an off-duty officer at the Kaitaia police station in 1988. She hopes that her recent return to the Far North, which she continues to regard as home, from Otago, will take her a long way towards completing that process, although her return has coincided with the inclusion of her case in a commission of inquiry, sparked by the alleged rape of a teenager by three police officers in Rotorua in 1986.

Ms Garrett said last week that she was extremely gratified that her experience would be part of the enquiry, although she had no intention of further pursuing criminal charges against the officer who she claimed raped her, and would be happy simply to allow the inquiry to take its course. In any event she doubted that she could stop it, particularly given Prime Minister Helen Clark’s response to her claims. (Ms Clark was quoted last week as saying that the file had made her hair stand on end, and raised further questions regarding the police culture. She was also reported as saying that Ms Garrett’s experience had been the final straw in terms of launching an inquiry).

“It’s out of my hands really, and I’m glad about that,” Ms Garrett said.

“Maybe justice will finally be done, although nothing that happens now can give me back the last 16 years of my life.”