Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Page 1 - 2004/2005 (Pretrial)


NZ Herald
October 23 2004

Police rape inquiry goes on hold

The commission of inquiry into police conduct sparked by rape allegations made by Louise Nicholas of Rotorua and Judith Garrett of Kaitaia is on hold until February 7. An investigation must first decide whether past and present officers should face criminal charges.

The Dominion Post
October 23 2004

Inquiry on hold

The commission of inquiry into police conduct sparked by rape allegations by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas and Kaitaia woman Judith Garrett is on hold till February 7, while an investigation decides whether past and present officers should face criminal charges.

Waikato Times
October 23 2004

Inquiry on hold

The commission of inquiry into police conduct sparked by rape allegations made by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas and Kaitaia woman Judith Garrett is on hold until February 7. The inquiry has been adjourned until an investigation decides whether past and present officers should face criminal charges. Commission chairman Justice Robertson said the commission would review the situation at that time.