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The Dominion Post
February 8 2005

Police conduct inquiry extended
by Haydon Dewes

The commission of inquiry into police conduct has asked for a second time extension because of a prolonged police investigation.

The commission, established last February in response to claims of police rape and cover-ups made by Louise Nicholas and Judith Garrett, has been on hold since last August.

The commission decided it should not proceed till police investigations had decided whether past and present police officers should face criminal charges.

As a result, it missed its November reporting date stipulated in the terms of reference announced by Prime Minister Helen Clark.

The commission received an extension till yesterday when, at a closed meeting, it decided a second extension was needed.

The commission chairman, Justice Bruce Robertson, said it was an application of the principles settled upon in August: that there was a "very real risk" that police investigations could be contaminated by the commission proceeding.

Police have indicated that a decision is imminent on whether to lay criminal charges against three men accused of raping Louise Nicholas while serving police officers -- Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and retired officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton. But a police spokesman would not elaborate yesterday.

"No indication has been given as to any decision on the investigation and we have not been given any time line as to when this might take place," he said.

Commission spokesman Robert Brewer said a request for an extension till March 24 had been passed to the office of Attorney-General Margaret Wilson.