Allegations of Abuse in NZ

Tim Ogle: Home   "A trial that should never have happened"

Page 1 - 2004/2005 (Pretrial)


One News
March 7 2005

Former officer to face rape charge

A former police officer charged with the historic rape of a Far North woman at the Kaitaia police station has been ordered to stand trial.

At the Auckland district court, name suppression was also lifted for 45-year-old Timothy Ogle who faces eight charges, including rape, sexual violation and assault.

The charges relate to a woman who alleges that in March 1988 she was handcuffed at the police station before being raped.

At the time, Ogle was disciplined by the police and discharged.

A civil case brought by the complainant in 1994 over the way the matter was investigated, failed.

Ogle, who now works in Australia as a private investigator, will next appear in the High Court in April.