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Dominion Post
March 26 2005

Police inquiry seeks safe way forward
by Haydon Dewes

The commission of inquiry into police conduct has scheduled a special hearing to try to find a way of proceeding without contaminating criminal proceedings.

The commission, set up in response to allegations by Louise Nicholas and Judith Garrett, met on Thursday to decide whether it could continue. Charges have been laid against Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police colleagues, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum, after Mrs Nicholas' allegations.

Commissioner Bruce Robertson urged lawyers for all interested parties to come up with ideas "in hard, cold, practical terms" on how the commission could continue its brief while criminal processes were under way. As well as looking into Mrs Nicholas' and Mrs Garrett's cases, the inquiry has been asked to report on the wider issue of police culture and processes.

"It appears . . . that it would be impossible and certainly irresponsible to endeavour to make any determinations with regard to those wider issues unless and till there has been an investigation of all matters . . . ," Justice Robertson said.

He questioned whether it would be more beneficial to do staggered or "piecemeal" work, or simply adjust the timing of its work to synchronise with criminal processes.

Private or suppressed hearings could be an option till criminal charges run their course.

Justice Robertson said he was conscious that many people had bravely come forward with grievances.

"We have never lost sight of their particular plight and need," he said.

The next meeting is on April 22.