Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Page 2 - 2006 (Trial)


Newstalk ZB
November 1 2006; 12:36

Rape accusations hid infidelity, claims defence

The defence counsel for a former police officer accused of rape says the woman pointed the finger at his client so she did not have to tell her boyfriend she cheated on him.

The woman is under cross examination at the man's trial, where he stands accused of rape, sexual violation and assault over an incident in 1988.

Defence lawyer Gary Gotlieb says when the woman's boyfriend asked her if she had been raped, she agreed, to get herself out of a difficult situation. Mr Gotlieb says the woman passed the police station and the hospital on her way home after the incident, but chose not to seek help.

He says two years previously, the woman seduced her friend's husband, and referred to him as a naughty little boy. Mr Gotlieb claims she used the same phrase while having consensual sex with the accused.