Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Page 2 - 2006 (Trial)


Newstalk ZB
November 1 2006; 15:31

Rape complainant faces cross-examination

The Far North woman who claims she was raped by a former policeman has been told her injuries were inconsistent with her story.

The former officer stands accused of rape, assault and sexual violation dating back to 1988. The woman has been cross examined about the incident, where she says she was handcuffed, forced into a police station and repeatedly raped.

The woman claims she had the handcuffs smacked on her wrists quickly, but defence lawyer Gary Gotlieb demonstrated how cuffs are put on in court, and says they could not have been put on in the way she described.

He says the evidence shows she had one small bruise on her right wrist, and if she has the cuffs on for more than 40-minutes as she claims, they would have continued getting tighter and her wrists would have been red raw.

He says she asked to be cuffed while having consensual sex.

Mr Gotlieb says when the woman spoke to police the day after the alleged rape in 1988, she said she said did not try to fight his advances and called herself a flirt who may have led him on. He says she told the policeman she was quite turned on by what happened but still felt the accused used his authority as a police officer against her.

He says the woman was aware she was not making an official complaint.

The woman completely denies the claims.

Meanwhile, another woman who was drinking with a former police officer the night he is alleged to have raped the complainant says he made sexual advances towards her on the same night, but she never felt threatened.

The woman, who has name suppression, says the man took her back to the police station before dropping her home. She says he tried to kiss her and made it clear he wanted to have sex, but she laughed off his advances and he left it at that.

She says she felt in control of the situation the entire time.