Allegations of Abuse in NZ

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Page 2 - 2006 (Trial)


Radio NZ
November 7 2006; 14:29

Witness says rape complainant propositioned him

A defence witness has told a jury that he was propositioned by a rape complainant in a bar just hours before the alleged crime.

A former Far North constable aged 48 is on trial at the Auckland District Court for eight charges, including four of rape, 1988.

He denies the charges, made by a woman who claims she was handcuffed and then raped several times in a police station.

In giving evidence for the defence, Roger White said that on the night of the alleged rape, he was hit on by the complainant. He says he found out the next day that the woman had laid a rape complaint.

Mr White told the court he joked to his friend about who was raping who and commented that it could have been him, as the woman had propositioned him that night.