Allegations of Abuse in NZ

Tim Ogle: Home   "A trial that should never have happened"

Page 2 - 2006 (Trial)


November 9 2006

Not guilty verdict for former Northland constable

Former Northland policeman Tim Ogle said charges which had haunted him for 16 years had been ended with a not guilty verdict handed to him last night on historic sex charges.

An Auckland District Court jury of seven women and five men took almost five hours to clear Ogle, 44, of seven charges including four of sexual violation and assault.

A 63-year-old woman, whose name is suppressed, claimed she was handcuffed and raped by Ogle in March 1988.

Name suppression on Ogle was lifted at his request after he said his name had already been published on the internet.

Tears broke out among a group of about 15 people in the court who were supporting Ogle when the verdicts were read.

Ogle told media outside the court he was delighted with the verdict.

"I've always said I never raped her and the jury showed that that is the case," he said.

"This has been very hard on my wife, my children and my 82-year-old mother. It's had a terrible impact on all of us but justice has been done.

"This has haunted me for 16 years. There has been so many slanders and allegations against me. I'm just looking forward to spending some time with my wife."

Ogle's lawyer Gary Gotlieb said the verdict ended two years of hard work.

"In the end the jury was given their task to do, they found him not guilty and I was not in any doubt that it was the right verdict."

Mr Gotlieb had been in the middle of arguing for permanent name suppression for his client until Ogle got his attention from the back of the court and said he would not fight his name being made public as it was already on the Internet.

Mr Gotlieb said his decision "means that he can say in public that there has been an acquittal".

Prosecuting lawyer Glen Marshall was not available for comment on the verdict.

Judge Michael Lance praised the jury for its work on the case, a task he said had been made more difficult by the historic nature of the allegations.