Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2002

Evening Post
January 16, 2002

Brash warns on publicity

An abduction and sexual attack complaint that proved false had caused unwarranted bad publicity for Porirua, Mayor Jenny Brash says.

She has pleaded for all parties involved in future incidents to "tread carefully before bursting into print".

A 16-year-old girl claimed recently that she was abducted from Ascot Park by three men and sexually assaulted. A police investigation found she'd made it up. The teenager was referred to Youth Aid. She may yet be charged with wasting police time.

Porirua CIB boss Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Oxnam today defended the publicity about the original complaint. "People make false complaints for all sort of reasons . . . they're often more difficult to investigate than the real thing," he said. "We have to treat them seriously because it's a serious crime. An investigative tool, and a very powerful investigative tool, is the media and we rely on that."

Ms Brash said she felt sorry that a young woman felt the need to lodge such a complaint, and didn't want to make her situation more difficult.

"However, the fact is that her claim led to some very negative publicity that was completely unwarranted. . . . Porirua city has received publicity that was unfortunate, to say the least."

She said the woman was put in "an even more invidious position" by the publicity after the complaint was ruled false. Porirua was a safe place to live.