Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Peter Ellis Home Page

False Allegations - Index

This page last updated February 18 2008

The existence of this page is in no way meant to imply that real sex abuse allegations do not occur.  The crime of sexual abuse is real

There are, however, far too many professionals dealing with issues of sexual abuse who are in denial about the possibility or incidence of false sexual allegations.

NZ Cases

The majority of the cases referred to below have reached the courts. These are however, the "tip of the iceberg" of such cases.  The majority of false allegations cause heartache, and cannot be proven to be false. To be accused of sex abuse is to be considered "guilty until proven innocent". In New Zealand corroborating evidence for a complaint is not required for a conviction.


NZ - High Profile Victims

Tony Christiansen

Michael Neville

Allen Collier

Allan Rust

David Dougherty


John Edgar   

Nick Wills





The emotional cost associated with false accusations is high….
Poetry can be a positive outlet for the feelings of anger, grief and trauma associated with such a tragedy


NZ Association of Counsellors

An open letter, including a complaint to the NZ Association of Counsellors from Gordon and Colleen Waugh. 

The complaint makes specific allegations of misconduct by a counsellor and the Association itself, but provides an insight into sex abuse counselling practices that should be a concern for all New Zealanders.

The NZAC tried to sweep this complaint under the carpet …. but the complaint will not go away.

False Sex abuse Allegations - Opinion and Discussion

2005-0929 - NZ Herald - Spate of false sex complaints
Last year, 290 people nationwide were charged with making a false complaint

2005-0808 - NZ Herald - False rape complaints annoy police
Senior investigators estimate that between 60 and 80 per cent of rape complaints made by women are false.

2005-0514  NZ Herald - Police chase woman for false rape complaint costs
Detective Senior Sergeant Richard Middleton, of the Manukau Crime Squad, said that of 75 sexual complaints in his area since Christmas, about 10 were believed fake.

2004-0113 – Dominion Post - False rape complaints cost millions
In each of the last 5 years there have been on average 444 false complaints in New Zealand, the majority relating to sex offences (NZ pop approx 4 million)

1999-0220 - Waikato Times - False Sex Complaint Rate High : Police
Waikato police say:
in Hamilton -        41 out of 147 complaints in 1998 found false
in Waikato -         77 out of 297 complaints in 1998 proved groundless



NZ ACC - Compensation for Sexual Abuse

Concerns over the misuse of the scheme, and the contribution to false allegations of sexual abuse

Have a look at what's happening to ACC today - with soaring claims ~ the system is obviously not working: 
2004-0126 - The Press - Sexual abuse payouts up $9m

Then have a look at what the Government said in 2000 ~ they were
"going to prevent another blowout in ACC sex-abuse payments" by more careful medical scrutiny of claims: 
2000-1208 - The Dominion - ACC sex-abuse payments to be vetted, says Cullen