Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2004

The Press
January 13, 2004

Man guilty of false claim against priests
by John Henzell

A Christchurch man who lied about being repeatedly molested by paedophile priests at a St John of God school has been told he had made life even more difficult for genuine victims.

John Kevin Fenn, 39, a sickness beneficiary with intellectual disabilities, claimed that he had been repeatedly molested during eight years at the Halswell school in the 1970s.

But when detectives uncovered inconsistencies in his story, Fenn admitted he had not been molested and had made up the abuse claim in a bid to get compensation from the order.

Fenn pleaded guilty in the Christchurch District Court to a charge of making a false statement to police.

He was the second man to admit inventing abuse claims against the order. Justin Todd Richardson, 35, was jailed for 12 months late last year for making false claims which saw him being paid out more than $100,000 by the order.

In the Christchurch District Court yesterday, Judge Stephen Erber told Fenn that he was lucky he was not facing the more serious charge of false pretences.

"This unhappy prosecution arises out of the recent discovery of sexual abuse that allegedly occurred at a local hospitaller order of St John," the judge said.

"A number of people have complained about sexual abuse at the hands of priests or brothers working at this facility and you, with another person, got it into your heads that if you complained, you'd get some money.

"Generally speaking, there is a degree of scepticism about the claims of sexual abuse and that impacts very badly on those who had made claims. It makes it much harder for them to reconcile themselves with the offending."

Erber said such behaviour would normally warrant a jail term but he accepted defence counsel Craig Fletcher's submission that Fenn's intellectual disabilities should allow him to remain in the community.

"You have suffered a brain injury in the past, leaving you with limited intellectual capacity, and there has been domestic disorder for which you are not to blame," the judge said. Fenn also had liquor and health problems, he said.

Fenn was sentenced to 200 hours community work.