Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2004

Otago Daily Times
March 3, 2004

Doctor has convictions quashed
by Allison Rudd and NZPA

A Dunedin doctor's convictions for indecently assaulting two female patients have been quashed by the Court of Appeal and a new trial ordered.

Jean Dominique Peyroux (66) was convicted last year of indecently assaulting a 34-year-old patient and another, aged 82, in his Roslyn consulting rooms. In July last year, he was sentenced to 200 hours' community work.

The court said on Monday Peyroux should stand trial again because the district court trial judge had wrongly told the jury that because of similarities between the two women's complaints, it was possible one supported the other.

The court said the similarities in the two complaints were not so distinct that they could bolster each other.

But the court said it would be a matter for the Crown whether a retrial was held, given the age of one of the women and Peyroux's own state of health.

At the time of his trial, he was diagnosed with the onset of dementia.

Dunedin Crown solicitor Robin Bates said last night when contacted he was aware of the appeal court decision but had not yet read it.

The issue of whether Peyroux would face another trial would be considered at a later date, he said. There was no time limit for deciding whether a new trial should be ordered.

Peyroux's convictions ended an otherwise successful 39-year career as a general practitioner, the district court was told at his sentencing.

During the trial, the younger complainant said Peyroux had been examining her injured knee when he said he liked being between her legs.

She said he rubbed himself against her.

The older woman said he told her, "What you need is a good bonk", and rubbed against her.

Peyroux denied either indecency occurred.