Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2004

Waikato Regional Community Newspapers; Bay of Plenty
October 28 2004

Woman 'cried rape' to get revenge on partner, Court told

A Rotorua woman lied to police about being raped and kidnapped by her partner to get revenge on him for seriously assaulting her, Rotorua District Court was told on Wednesday.

The 55-year-old, who has interim name suppression, pleaded guilty to a charge of fabricating evidence.

The woman told police that between April 23 and May 6 this year her de facto partner kidnapped her and held her captive at a Rotorua house before taking her to a beach near Te Puke where she claimed she was assaulted, raped and sexually violated.

She was taken to Tauranga Hospital with multiple injuries.

She gave a comprehensive statement to police and the man was committed to trial on a number of charges after a depositions hearing.

However, two months after the depositions the woman signed an affidavit in the High Court at Rotorua saying the rape and kidnapping allegations were false but everything else in the statement was true.

She said she lied to police to get revenge on her de facto partner for seriously assaulting her.

The woman's lawyer Harry Edward asked for the woman's name to be suppressed.

Judge Chris McGuire said he would grant name suppression until Monday when the matter would be argued. He remanded the woman on bail for sentencing on December 17.