Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2004

The Press
November 15 2004

Woman admits barrage of false complaints to police
by John Henzell

A woman has admitted bombarding police with false complaints of being raped, assaulted and having witnessed criminals preparing to rob a bank.

Liselle Louise Ellis, 21, unemployed, had already made repeated false complaints, leading to a trespass order in August forbidding her from going to the Christchurch central police station for the next two years.

Prosecutor Graham Capill told the Christchurch District Court that Ellis was "infatuated with the police".

Within two months of the trespass notice she was making more false complaints, Capill said.

"In the past, the police have made extensive investigations into her allegations and on each occasion they've been false.

"On October 28, she came to the police station on three occasions and made a complaint of rape. This was found to be false.

"On November 5, she came in and made an allegation she had been threatened but this was disproved by the police.

"Police later investigated a call that she had been with some associates who were planning to rob a bank.

"That information was found to be false and Ellis was handed over to her mother but absconded within 30 minutes. On November 9, she rang 111 and made an allegation that she'd been sexually assaulted."

When challenged over the repeated false complaints, the court was told she showed no remorse and said it was "not her fault that the police don't believe her".

Judge Stephen Erber was told Ellis has intellectual disabilities and a personality disorder but a psychiatric assessment found she was capable of facing the consequences of her actions.

The judge deferred sentence so that a report could be compiled on Ellis.

He added: "Listen to this: your bail is renewed but you must understand that if you don't comply with the terms, you're going to be locked up. Do you understand?"

Ellis said she did.