Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

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2008 Cases

The Press
February 2 2008

False assault claim saw workmate in custody

A man's false allegation that his workmate had assaulted a woman put the innocent man in police custody, a court has been told.

Anton James Baken told Christchurch District Court Judge Ray Kean he did it because of a perceived transgression by the other man at work, but he had since apologised and the pair still worked together.

"He must be a very forgiving person," the judge said.

Baken, 20, who declined legal representation, admitted a charge of making a false statement that a crime had been committed. He told the judge of regretting not seeing for himself what had happened, having taken the word of others who said they witnessed the supposed assault.

Baken accepted that the bogus allegation resulted in his workmate's arrest and time in custody. The judge said it had serious consequences, but he would accept Baken's explanation at face value and take into account his status as a first offender and his guilty plea.

Baken was sentenced to 100 hours community work.