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2008 Cases

The Press
February 19 2008

Dutch tourists admit making up robbery claim

Three Dutch tourists who claimed they were robbed at gunpoint near Akaroa today admitted they made the whole story up.

Antonino Salamone, 29; Bart Stevens, 19 and Johan Van De Lande, 20, today admitted making a false complaint and were convicted and discharged when they appeared in Christfchurch District Court today.

The trio was arrested as they tried to leave the country yesterday.

It emerged today that they had been involved in a road rage incident while travelling in their campervan and the vehicle had been damaged after a beer bottle was thrown at it.

In an attempt to explain the damage to the campervan they concocted a story about being robbed at gunpoint by three Polynesians on February 10.

Today they admitted the story had been invented, saying it had been "a fit of stupidity.''

Judge Stephen Erber convicted the men and discharged them. The offence normally carries a fine, but the men have no money to pay a fine.

Judge Erber said the men's actions had attracted adverse publicity and caused the Akaroa community anxiety.

The trio are heading back to Australia where they have been based.