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2008 Cases

Taranaki Daily News
February 28 2008

Racing worker denies rape charge
by Glenn McLean

A prominent Stratford racing worker has gone on trial in New Plymouth for the alleged rape of a woman following a party last year.

Michael "Mouse" Wilson denied the single charge of rape which the Crown says happened after a heavy night of drinking.

The 41-year-old is the stable foreman for respected Stratford horse trainer Dick Bothwell.

Mr Bothwell was one of almost 40 supporters that packed the public gallery in the New Plymouth District Court to support Wilson.

Crown prosecutor Justin Marinovich said the victim had been with a group of friends on February 22 last year drinking at a flat before they went to a Stratford bar for a night of karaoke.

After leaving the bar the group went back to the flat for a party and carried on drinking.

The victim became ill and went to bed but claims she woke up to find Wilson raping her while her boyfriend was asleep in the lounge.

Defence counsel Patrick Mooney said his client did not deny sexual intercourse had taken place but he was adamant it was consensual.

The victim, who has permanent name suppression, told the court that Wilson had first approached her in the bar and told her she was "nice" and had "a nice smile". He then tried to get up and sing with her.

She said Wilson then turned up late at the flat but fell asleep in a chair before she went to bed ill.

"I woke up and someone was having sex with me," she said. "He said `your boyfriend is out there' and I kicked him off straight away."

The victim said after Wilson left she sat in the bedroom crying before unsuccessfully trying to wake her boyfriend.

Under cross-examination she admitted she had been drinking jugs of whiskey and L&P during the evening, as well as smoking cannabis. She denied she had invited Wilson back to her boyfriend's flat for the party.

She also denied she had woken up and invited Wilson back to her bed, asked the accused if he had any money and then wanted $100 as he left.

Mr Mooney then questioned if she really knew what had happened.

"I know what happened, I dream about it all the time," she said.

The woman then admitted she had gone back to the bar, where Wilson was a regular, just a week after the alleged rape.

"If this was rape, the last person you would have wanted to see at that time was Mouse Wilson," he said.

The trial, before a jury and Judge Allan Roberts, continues today.