Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

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Newstalk ZB
March 28 2008; 09:28

NZ not dangerous by world standards

New Zealand's image as a safe place to visit is under threat, partly because tourists drop their guard and fail to take enough precautions.

The issue is back under the spotlight after a British tourist was attacked in Paihia in the Bay of Islands, close to the area where a Dutch couple were assaulted almost two years ago. The 27-year-old was walking between the Waitangi Treaty Grounds and the Haruru Falls when the incident happened.

George Hickton, CEO of Tourism New Zealand, says the problem is that some people see New Zealand as a very safe destination and become complacent. He says they then become the victims of petty crime, such as theft from vehicles.

Mr Hickton says Tourism New Zealand is trying to get the safety message through to visitors through warnings on its web site. Police are putting information in rental cars not just about crime, but also about safety in places such as mountains. He says tourists are warned to take reasonable care, including locking vehicles and motel rooms and not leaving cars in isolated areas.

Mr Hickton says it is a concern when attacks on tourists are reported in the international media because articles could have an impact on people's decisions to come to New Zealand. He says usually, such publicity is short-lived.

Mr Hickton says in the recent incident in the Far North, it is not known whether the person was attacked because they were a tourist or whether they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He says New Zealand is not dangerous by world standards.