Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

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2008 Cases

Waikato Times
June 26 2008

Another charged for rape claim
by Belinda Feek and Aaron Leaman

A woman who claimed she had been raped shortly after Hamilton police launched the serial rapist investigation has been charged with making a false complaint.

The 41-year-old yesterday appeared in Hamilton District Court charged with perverting the course of justice.

Kohine Dallas Pania Turanga claimed a man forced his way into her Albert St, Hamilton East, home about midnight on November 16 last year.

A tearful Turanga was remanded on bail without plea to reappear on July 11.

Turanga's complaint is now one of six reported complaints police have found to be false, with only the rapes being investigated as part of the serial rapist investigation, dubbed Operation Phil, still unsolved. Operation Phil relates to three rapes in Hamilton during April, May and July last year. The five other rape complainants have now all been dealt with by the courts.

The women had a variety of reasons for their fake complaints. Matamata's Chie Ikee, 21, claimed she was dragged into a van and raped by a group of men on Ward Ln on November 14 last year. Police later discovered she was simply trying to seek attention from an ex-boyfriend.

While the circumstances behind the alleged false Albert St complaint are yet to be revealed, Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Page said police had wasted a large amount of police and ESR scientists' resources and time in investigations.

"The media coverage of this (Albert St) incident was significant as police dealt with a number of rape allegations at that time. This case has proven to be the third false complaint from that week.

"It's even more frustrating when real complaints had been put to one side to deal with this and other similar allegations at the time."

Police were still investigating the incident up until last week.

Mr Page said the detrimental impact was far reaching. "Instances such as this are an insult to those real victims who police work closely with."

However, he said the arrest would not hamper Operation Phil.

"Those three complaints that make up Operation Phil remain valid and detectives are committed to locating the offender."

A Hamilton Rape and Sexual Abuse Healing Centre spokeswoman said it was sad women were making false complaints. "It makes women, who have suffered sexual violence, angry and almost brings the whole process into disrepute. It brings doubt ... about the truth."


Rape Allegations:


August 1:          Zoe Joy Maxine Arama, 18, Hamilton, CONVICTED: Ordered to pay $375 reparation.

August 4:          16-year-old Morrinsville girl. Referred to the police Youth Aid section.

November 14:   Kohine Dallas Pania Turanga, 41, Hamilton East. Court proceedings underway.

November 14,   midnight: 21-year-old Chie Ikee of Matamata, CONVICTED: One-year suspended sentence.

Between November 12 and 19:

                        Another rape complaint laid, but police discover it's false within 24 hours. She was not prosecuted.

February 29:      Caitlyn Ann Moore, 17, of Hamilton. CONVICTED: Ordered to pay $1800 reparation.



April, May, July -

                        Three women were raped by a man aged between 18 and 30, with fair hair. File opened and labelled Operation Phil.



Police still investigating.