Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

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2008 Cases


Timaru Herald
September 4 2008

Woman charged for false complaint

A false allegation by a Timaru woman resulted in her partner being taken into custody for an event that never occurred.

In the Timaru District Court yesterday, Mihiterina Sandra Marion Atkins, 29, was sentenced to 250 hours' community work for making a false complaint to the police.

Atkins signed a police statement stating her partner had assaulted. He was charged with threatening to kill and assaulting a female.

Her partner was taken into custody and later released on electronic bail.

Atkins then refused to give evidence in court and admitted making up the allegations.

In her defence, Maria Green said Atkins was angry and upset at the time but now realised the time and money that went into investigating her allegations.

Judge Raoul Neave said Atkins was lucky not to be facing a more serious charge that could have resulted in her imprisonment.

He said her actions undercut people's confidence and undervalued genuine complaints.