Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index   


Opinion and Comment - 1996

This page last updated Jan 7 2005

1996-1215 - Sunday Star Times - Rape and allegations
by G Waugh - Sandra Coney writes much nonsense but excelled herself with her absurd remarks about rape and Justice Thomas' opinion. They appear to believe that making false allegations is an "enduring and pernicious myth".

1996-0408 - Dominion - Rape law reform
by Gordon Waugh - Many people throughout the country would like to see sex abuse counsellors made accountable for their work, and would like to see legislation amended on these issues. They, like me, wish to reinstate balance and common sense in this emotive area

1996 - IPT Journal - Vol 8 - Victim-oriented Law Reforms: Advantages and Pitfalls
By Felicity Goodyear-Smith - The paper addresses issues arising from the well-needed reforms introduced in the past couple of decades aimed at treating rape complainants with consideration and compassion, and minimizing the stress endured by undergoing the judicial process when making a complaint. It is argued that procedures which offer advocacy and support for the complainant can lead to an effective presumption of guilt of the alleged perpetrator and erosion of the principle of impartiality. The difficulty of gaining a conviction when a rape has occurred but no forensic evidence is available is weighed against the dangers of conviction in the absence of corroboration. Issues regarding (mis) interpretation of consent and the effects of an expanded definition of rape are also discussed.