Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index   


Opinion and Comment - 1997

This page last updated Jan 6 2005

1997-1202 - Dominion - Hundreds falsely accused, says group
by Annie Gray -  Cosa president Felicity Goodyear-Smith says she has on record dozens of cases where men have been convicted on the basis of uncorroborated testimony and she points the finger at an ideology which assumes that women and children always tell the truth.

1997-1002 - Dominion - Overhaul for bad justice
Editorial - If New Zealand were to rule off its criminal trial system and start again, chances are it would not opt for the British-style adversarial model we have now. Some disturbing outcomes suggest it is time to seriously consider replacing it with the inquisitorial system used in Europe.

1997-0512 - Waikato Times - Police waste their time on Bain review
Editorial - Then there was also the case of Hamilton student Nick Wills who in 1995 was charged with rape because police failed to do something as basic as check his alibi......... Mr Thomas is also advising David Dougherty to seek compensation for three years he spent in jail for a rape he didn't commit. ......New Zealand police are not corrupt and still largely do a sound job. But the public demands more. Officers now have to strive to earn the public's confidence every day and on every case they handle.

1997-0504 - Sunday Star Times - Beware, not all rapes are the same
by Frank Haden - I have some professional advice for Ceridwyn Roberts, who has taken over as national spokeswoman for Rape Crisis........ Ms Roberts also needs to get real about the tales told by women who, for a variety of selfish reasons, say they have been raped when there's been no sex at all involving the accused. Rape Crisis in the past has remained silent about such women, alienating thousands of people who would otherwise be supporters. Any woman who knowingly makes such a false accusation should be pilloried without mercy. ..........Ms Roberts will have to rid herself of the idea women can be relied on to tell the truth about rape.