Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index   

Opinion and Comment - 1999


This page last updated Feb 16 2005

1999-0220 - Waikato Times - False Sex Complaint Rate High : Police
by Kris McGehan - Hamilton police are becoming increasingly frustrated with false sex complaints which make up a quarter of sex offences they investigate. Last year, 147 sex offences were reported to Hamilton police.  More than one quarter (41) were found to be false. In the greater Waikato, police dealt with 297 sex offences last year and 77 proved groundless.

The high number of false accusations also create difficulties for genuine victims. Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Whitehead of Hamilton CIB said police tended to delve more closely into sex complaints they receive, giving the impression of over-vigorous investigating.    "Because so many sex offence complaints are shown to be false, we are obliged to look extremely carefully at every complaint we receive.   In that process, extra trauma can be created for genuine victims." Mr Whitehead said