Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


Newstalk ZB
January 30 2006

Mark wants tougher penalties for false complaints

New Zealand First hopes a review of the police complaints system will result in a crack down on people who make false complaints.

Police have confirmed they are carrying out a project aimed at enhancing professionalism.

The party's police spokesman Ron Mark says the review must meet the needs of people who fell they have been wronged, but he says it must also protect innocent police officers.

He says it is unacceptable when complaints are found to be false after some officers' lives are put on hold for nearly two years while a complaint is investigated.

Mr Mark would like to see an independent system where people making false claims would be charged for wasting time and money. He believes that would ensure the system's integrity is maintained and could cut down on time and money wasted on spurious claims.