Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


The Press
February 18 2006

Wrong impression
Letter to the Editor
by Ricky Prebble, Mornington, Wellington


Jonathon Harper's article on the impact of false rape complaints (Feb 4) ended with a quote from Camille Guy that blamed feminism for "contributing to false allegations and over-zealous interventions which have destroyed lives just as cruelly as has abuse". This quote directly followed a paragraph about a group of radical feminists who abducted a man because they suspected him of rape.

I was disappointed that Harper did not seek a counter response to this one-sided view of feminism. Many feminists would deplore such actions.

Harper's concluding quotes give the impression that feminists are over-zealous destroyers of men's lives. Feminism is about achieving equity for women, not punishing men.

Rape and sexual abuse is a crime overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against women. I would be interested in reading an article about the effects of rape and sexual abuse on women's lives, and the prevalence of sexual violence in our community. This would be refreshing after the constant media barrage about the uncommon occurrence of false rape complaints.