Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


The Press
February 22 2006

False rape common
by Brian Robinson

Ricky Prebble writes there is a "constant media barrage about the uncommon occurrence of false rape complaints" (Feb 18). He is wrong on two counts.

First, false rape complaints are common. Recent 2005 news reports state that "last year 290 people nationwide were charged with making a false complaint" and that "senior (police) investigators estimate that between 60% and 80% of rape complaints made by women are false".

Second, there is no media barrage about these cases. In 2005, only 10% of the 290 cases were reported in the media, and few of these were reported nationwide. It is therefore perhaps understandable that people may think false accusations are uncommon. The media could, and I believe should, publicise the serious problem far more.