Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


NZ Herald
May 1 2006

Marchers demand rape trial changes

Hundreds of Louise Nicholas supporters marched down Queen St yesterday demanding justice for victims of rape.


Hundreds of Louise Nicholas supporters marched down Queen St yesterday demanding justice for victims of rape.

The crowd of about 400 gathered at the bottom of Queen St and marched to Aotea Square chanting, "Two, four, six, eight, we want justice for victims of rape," and "What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now."

The organiser of yesterday's march, Helen Wiseman-Dare, said it was also about calling for change in the way rape cases are tried.

Mrs Nicholas accused three men of raping her between 1985 and 1986 in Rotorua. They were found not guilty of all charges they faced earlier this month.

Rape Crisis Director Kim McGregor read a letter written by Mrs Nicholas to the crowd gathered in Aotea Square.

Mrs Nicholas wrote that for 25 years she had lived day to day.

"I can now remove my safety net, hold my head high and with my husband Ross and three daughters finally look towards a bigger, brighter and safer future," the letter said.

Dr McGregor said a specialised task force had been set up involving Rape Crisis, Auckland Sexual Abuse Help Foundation and lawyers to prepare a proposal for Government on how sexual crimes are tried in New Zealand courts.

Yesterday's march coincided with Rape Awareness Week, which starts today.