Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006
Letter to the NZ Herald
May 1 2006

Appalled by attitude of Kim McGregor
by Paula Weir, Christchurch

This week is rape awareness week and the abhorrent crime of rape is once again under the media spotlight.

While I understand Rape crisis and associated organisations offer good support and help for genuine victims, I am appalled by the attitude of director of Rape Crisis Kim McGregor.

False accusations of rape do occur and more prevalently than we are led to believe. Men facing such allegations often lose their homes, reputations and careers, and their families are subjected to harsh and prejudicial treatment.

Alibis in such cases are not being adequately investigated by police who are choosing to prosecute regardless of any factual evidence in the interests of keeping themselves in favour with organisations like Rape Crisis.

Historical charges which are becoming frequent are tried on a he said she said basis and men accused are assumed guilty until proven otherwise.

Rape cases take months to try, and falsely accused will never be compensated for what they have been through.

Kim McGregor seems decidedly ignorant on the damage caused by false allegations as the profound effects of the complainants statements on men and their partners cause numerous conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

With the increase of false accusations comes the difficulty for the public to believe in the veracity of rape claims.

Perhaps rape awareness week would be better received if equal focus was awarded the evil crime of lying about rape and sexual abuse.