Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


The Press
June 9 2006

Rape figures realistic
Letter to the Editor
by Chris Hooker, Burnside

Darryl Ward (June 3) takes issue with the claim in The Press that "support groups estimate that only one in 10 rapes is notified, and only a fraction go to court" (May 27).

I am a school counsellor and my experience with many young women over many years suggests that these figures are pretty realistic.

Darryl starts off by sounding concerned and supportive but gives the game away by quickly slipping into the common hate rhetoric; "refuge industry", "prominent feminists", "radical feminists", etc.

You'd have trouble hanging those labels on me. I am a conservative 54-year-old European male.

Let's not forget the men and boys who are also raped and sexually abused, or are they eating green cheese off the moon and hallucinating? Or have the wily feminists got to them too?