Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


Radio New Zealand
July 24 2006; 12:25

New Plymouth police concerned at false sex complaints

The police are hoping publicity over some apparent false sex-attack claims in New Plymouth will not discourage women coming forward with genuine complaints.

Over the last fortnight six girls and women have come to New Plymouth police to allege sex attacks.

Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Coward says only one man has been charged as a result.

But he says a woman has been charged with making a false complaint, a girl has been referred to the police's Youth Aid section, and there is not enough evidence for charges either way in the other three cases.

Mr Coward hopes women won't be put off coming forward with complaints, but says they must understand that police have to test the truth of their accusations. The police have warned that women reporting ficticious sex attacks could face jail