Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

Opinion and Discussion - 2006


Radio New Zealand
July 24 2006; 16:39

Rape help agencies worried by by police warning on false complaints

Agencies dealing with rape and sexual abuse in New Plymouth are worried a police warning about false complaints may discourage real victims from coming forward.

In the last fortnight a woman has been charged with making a false sexual assault complaint, a girl's been referred to youth aid and the police say three similar cases lack credibility.

But the police say complainants need to know their claims will be tested. They've warned that false complainants can be jailed for three months.

A counsellor and former manager of the Taranaki Safer Centre, Lorraine Jans, says that may increase the distrust of police felt by many genuine victims.

And New Plymouth's Women's Centre says women who have been attacked, but don't go to the police, far outnumber those who make false allegations.

Lorraine Jans says she's confident advising women that New Plymouth's police deal with sexual attack allegations sensitively.