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Opinion and Discussion - 2006,,1928118,00.html

The Guardian
October 21 2006

'Rape victim' rounds on peer who named her as liar
· 'Setback' for all women who suffer sexual assault
· Campaigners appalled by peer's use of parliament
by Diane Taylor

A woman who was named in the House of Lords as "a serial and repeated liar" after a man found guilty of raping her had his conviction overturned says being outed in parliament was a setback for all victims of sexual assault.

The woman, who has asked not to be identified despite her name now being in the public domain, says she had no idea that the Labour peer Lord Campbell-Savours had named her on Thursday until she was told by a journalist. Following the disclosure of her identity in Hansard - repeated in yesterday's Daily Mail - she has gone into hiding.

Lord Campbell-Savours used parliamentary privilege to name the woman during a debate on rape legislation. He suggested that women who make false allegations of rape should be named and prosecuted for perjury.

It is believed to be the first time that the identity of a woman who claims to be the victim of a sexual offence has been revealed in parliament.

Warren Blackwell, 36, from Daventry, Northamptonshire, spent more than three years in jail for a sex attack before his conviction was quashed by the court of appeal last month. The court ruled that Mr Blackwell's conviction was unsafe in the light of new evidence that the complainant had made "strikingly similar allegations" of other sex attacks and had the ability to lie.

Some newspapers have reported that she made previous allegations of sexual and physical assault. She told the Guardian yesterday that, including the case of Mr Blackwell, there had been three such instances. The first relates to claims that she was sexually abused by her father, who is now dead, the second to a boyfriend she had as a teenager. She says the third complaint was initiated by her mother, who contacted police.

"I don't go around falsely accusing men of raping me," she said. Although Mr Blackwell's conviction has been overturned, she retains her right to anonymity because she has not been convicted of perverting the course of justice, which would have established that the sexual assault never took place.

She claims she was attacked outside a village club early on New Year's Day 1999. "I had had a couple of drinks and went outside to get some air because my eyes felt sore. I was knocked to the ground and drifted in and out of consciousness. The attack was so intense I felt as if I was going to die. When I went to court I told the truth because I had no reason to lie. I was devastated when the conviction was quashed last month and hid at home with the curtains drawn for two weeks.

"It was a complete shock when I found out I'd been named in parliament. My whole world fell apart. Why can't they leave me alone? This man was convicted on evidence from witnesses in court, not only on my evidence.

"Why did Lord Campbell Savours decide to name me? He doesn't know me. Has he ever spoken to a rape victim? What gives him the right to destroy me? My anonymity is supposed to be protected in law."

She says she is concerned not only about the ramifications for herself but also for other women who might now be more reluctant to report rape. "I'm just an ordinary person with dreams which have been shattered by all this. Now that I've been named in parliament I've become a target."

A spokesman for the Criminal Cases Review Commission said: "Our referral to the court of appeal in this case was a result of new evidence relating to the key witness in the case and the issue of whether this offence actually took place. A key factor was also the non-disclosure of material to the defence."

Lisa Longstaff of Women against Rape said: "We are appalled that Lord Campbell-Savours used parliamentary privilege in the House of Lords to aggravate the character assassination of this woman who reported rape. His naming her is extremely dangerous not only for her but also for all women faced with the decision of whether to report rape.

"The conviction rate for rape is little over 5%. This is partly due to the low priority given to investigating rape, and the enormous legal obstacles and sexism women face in court. Most victims don't report to the police at all. What's happening now could push the conviction rate down to near zero.

"We're seeing a backlash against everything women have been fighting for for years. The government and police are encouraging women to report - but when we do we risk being put on trial ourselves - and now being jailed or hounded in the House of Lords."