Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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Berhampore Childrens Home


NZ Herald
June 16 2004  14:00

Presbyterian Support Services to investigate abuse claims

Church welfare organisation Presbyterian Support Services is investigating sexual abuse allegations dating back more than 40 years.

The allegations have been made against a former employee of a children's home run by the organisation. The alleged offender is now in his eighties.

Today Trevor Roberts, a spokesman for the Wellington-based Central Region branch of the organisation, confirmed that two sexual abuse claims had been received and investigated and it had recently been made aware of another two allegations.

Mr Roberts said the organisation had a pretty robust policy in respect to such allegations.

"When an allegation of any sort is received, whether it's a failure of care or something more serious, we investigate it to the extent that we can for our own purposes," he told National Radio.

"If there's an allegation of criminal conduct we urge that the matter be dealt with by the police."

He said it was the complainants' role to go to the police.

"When it comes to a matter of criminal conduct we're not really equipped to deal with allegations like that."

He said that internal investigations had been carried out in respect of two of the individuals concerned. and both of the complainants were recommended to go to the police.

Mr Roberts said that investigations were made more difficult by that fact that many of the people who could talk about the allegations were dead.